
Happy New Year!

I awoke today in Sydney Australia, to find it's the last day of 2016.  

So many changes have happened in the last year.  Some events have left me feeling angry, uncertain and concerned.  But when I reflect on my personal path, relationships that have been born or reinforced and professional accomplishments, I can't help but feel truly grateful.  Not only did I survive 2016 (knock on wood for the next 16 hours) but I really thrived.  

YOU have been a part of my journey this past year.  Your presence in my daily/weekly/monthly life has enriched me and given me confidence to move towards the next day/week/month.  Every client I meet becomes a teacher to me in some way.  And I consider you all dear friends.  I can't thank you enough for being with me this past year.  

Maybe you're making some plans for 2017.  I know I'll be writing down some intentions for personal, professional and physical growth.  Let us make health and wellness part of our daily commitments.  We must keep stretching our minds and bodies past our limits so we can journey into 2017 together.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017!